[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo

[Another alone not it: the voice of the people of the Middle East ...

[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo [Not anymore alone: ​​the voice of the people of the LGBT from the Middle East and North Africa Lesbians to live in the Arabic-speaking Middle East and North Africa region, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) activists who have confronted the national oppression and social stigma, and Human Rights Watch and the [freedom and for equality Arab Foundation] (hereinafter referred to as AFE) it was mentioned in the video series and the report of the announcement today. Report: In [with the boldness confront adversity Middle East and North LGBT movement in Africa] (all pages) and video series [not anymore alone], activists us, or have assembled their own experiences and how to exercise I said. People of the area of ​​LGBT is confront prejudice, and so as not to be isolated, in cooperation Human Rights Watch and the AFE, LGBT activists in the Arab-speaking has produced a video that captures the journey you accept yourself. Through this video series, activists us to the people of the Arab-speaking entire LGBT, has sent a message of encouragement and support.

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