[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo

[Broadcast stearyl] to day Cabinet decision "Middle East dispatch ...

[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo To day Cabinet decision "Middle East dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces" Government is the day, was described for the "Middle East dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force" to the ruling party. The government, have the idea to send a new destroyers cough, already the PC patrol aircraft in the dispatch in piracy in the Middle East. Period in the year, the extension is again approved by the Cabinet if necessary, are to report to the National Assembly. Activities range think of the government, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea north, in the Gulf of Aden One of the waters, the Strait of Hormuz is not included. Self-Defense Forces of performing the "information gathering" aimed at ensuring safety of Japan-related vessels in this range. American conflict with Iran, but their own country in order to protect the freedom of navigation had called for participation in the "coalition of the willing" that led, Japan is in the form of its own dispatch does not participate in this.

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