[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo

Middle East dispatch instruction

[Travel] country best was surprising | El Mundo Middle East dispatch instruction government troops also in the second half of the month, without assuming the USS protection The government dispatched instructions to the Maritime Self-Defense Force towards the safety of the sea Middle East, entered the study in the direction out in the second half of next month at the earliest. Preparation period prior to the dispatch instruction is planning the order of months, including training. The activities, protection of US military vessels based on the security-related method is a policy that does not assume. Government officials the day, was revealed. Cabinet decision direction also performed on the day of the Middle East dispatch. After the determination is Taro Kono Defense Minister, immediately orders the dispatch preparation itself into the sea. Since the coalition of the willing of the US military-led activities on the moon next year is expected to full-scale, aimed at early activity started to keep pace. In the Cabinet draft decision, it was defined as that issued a maritime security action in case an unexpected situation occurs.

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